Context in Macbeth

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  • Context in Macbeth
    • Belief in witchcraft
      • Witch trials
        • Macbeth's unquestioning belief
        • Banquo's distrust
        • The opening scene- Shakespeare starts the play with the witches.
      • James I wrote a book called "Demonology"
      • Religious element
    • The Divine Right of Kings
      • The King was chosen by God
        • Duncan is a bountiful King
        • Nature goes wrong when Duncan is killed.
        • Macbeth cannot sleep after the murder
      • Killing a King was blasphemous, a sin and a direct act against God
      • An act against a King was an act against God.
    • James I was the first King of Scotland and England
      • The gunpowder plot- treachery and treason
        • Consequences of murdering a king = Death and suffering.
      • Settling the difference
        • Malcolm is supported by England
      • James I believed he was related to Banquo
        • The row of Kings in Macbeth's vision
    • Patriarchal society
      • Women were supposed to be subservient    ( do as they are told).
        • Equal to her husband
        • No children
        • Untitled
      • Not allowed to have jobs
      • Not supposed to have property
        • Lady Macbeth breaks all the expectations
        • Strong and powerful
        • Owns property
      • Lady Macduff- Elizebethan Ideal
        • Protects her children and home.
        • Gives her life for her husband


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