Coral Reefs - Part 4 Conservation

Mind map of some of the conservation methods for coral reefs

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  • Conservation of coral reefs
    • Fishing – establishing of No-Take Zones.  This can increase total catch as protected breeding population in these zones produce surplus young that move out.
    • Control of activities on land – creating of buffer zones around rivers where fertilisers and pesticides may not be used and where trees may not be removed.  This will reduce soil erosion and leaching of toxic chemical.
    • Education of divers, snorkelers and swimmers so they learn not to touch the coral or kick up sediments.
    • Environmental protection in other areas can benefit coral reefs.
    • Sustainable development of ecotourism and fishing protects local economy and motivates local population to conserve the reef.
    • Control of coastal developments to stop dredging for land reclamation and reduce turbidity from sediment disturbance
    • Installing fixed mooring buoys means boats don’t need to use their anchors.
    • Designation of Marine Protected Areas (MPA) or National Parks    
    • Disposal of waste, especially sewage.


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