collision theory

  • Created by: tia5sos
  • Created on: 19-11-20 19:15
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  • collision theory
    • particles must collide with enough energy in order to react
      • the rate of a chemical reaction depends on:
        • the collision frequency of reacting particles (how often they collide). The more successful collisions per second there are, the faster the reaction is
        • the energy transferred during a collision. Particles have to collide with enough energy for the collision to be successful
      • a successful collision is a collision that ends in the particles reacting to form products
    • the more successful collisions, the higher the rate of reaction
      • Reactions happen if particles collide. So if you increase the number of collisions, the reaction happens more quickly (the rate increases). The three factors in purple all lead to more collisions
    • increasing concentration (or pressure) increases rate
      • 1. when the temperature is increased the particles move faster, if they move faster they're going to have more successful collisions per second.
      • 2. higher temperatures also increase the energy of the collisions, since the particles are moving faster. Reactions only happen if the particles collide with enough energy.
      • 3. This means that at higher temperatures there will be more successful collisions per second, so increasing the temperature increases the rate of reaction
    • smaller solid particles (or more surface area) means a higher rate
      • 1. if one reactant is a solid, breaking it into smaller pieces will increase its surface area to volume ratio. (eg. more of the solid will be exposed compared to its overall volume)
      • 2. the particles around it will have more area to work on, so frequency of collisions will increase
      • 3. this means that the rate of reaction is faster for solids with a larger surface are to volume ratio


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