Cognitive Psychology

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  • Cognitive Psychology
    • what is it?
      • Cognitive psychology is the study of behavior using our mental internal processes. cognitive psychologists think of our brain as a computer system.
    • cognitive psychology studies
      • Grant Et Al - context dependent memory
      • Loftus and Palmer- eyewitness testimony
    • behavior
      • mental internal processes are how we think and how we process information. this is done internally.
      • our mental internal process is like a computer with their internal processing systems
    • Strengths
      • A viable approach which has been used to create the multi-store model
      • takes into account our internal and invisible thought processes that could explain why we behave in a certain way.
      • can easily be combined with other processes.
    • weaknesses
      • Does not take into account genetic factors; for example hereditary correlations of mental disorders.
      • to an extent it is reductionist
      • Depends largely on controlled experiments to observe human behaviour, which may lack ecological validity
    • key assumptions
      • behavior is controlled by our own thoughts
      • Our behaviour can be explained as a series of responses to external stimuli.


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