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  • Childhood
    • Social construction of childhood
      • Changes across cultures
        • In othe cultures children take responsibility from a much earlier age than the UK
        • Obedience is seen as earned not expected
        • Child sexual behaviour is Normal
        • Western children are the cotton wool generation and are not exposed to UCR like the ret of the world’s children
      • Changes over time
        • Aries said that children used to be seen as mini adults and would carry out the same tasks
          • Adults and children not distinguishable in art
        • Now children have more opportunity to education so cannot be equal to adults
    • Why has the position of children changed?
      • Changes to law restricting child labour and introducing compulsory schooling
      • More rights for children and protection/welfare legislation
      • Higher child-centredness causing smaller family size
    • March of progress view
      • The increasingly child centred family and society
      • Children are now better protected and cared for
    • Conflict view
      • Children are subject to high levels of protection and surveillance.
      • Child abuse is common
      • Lack of autonomy in children
      • Age patriarchy
    • Toxic childhood
      • Due to the  changes in technology and culture Palmer says that childhood is becoming toxic
      • Emotional physical and intellectual development is stunted
      • Mental health conditions, self-harm, ADHD and autism caused by junk food, TV and video games
    • The future of childhood
      • Childhood in postmodernity (*Jenks)
        • Jenks thinks the notion of childhood is changing rather than disappearing due to the shift into postmodernity
      • Disappearance of childhood (Postman)
        • According to postman childhood is disappearing due to the information hierarchy decreasing and children now being exposed to the same things as adults
        • Sex, violence, crime and other adult topics are easily accessible


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