Chemistry Revision

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  • Chemistry
    • Bonding
      • Covalent
        • Bonding between non-metals only
        • Sharing of electrons
        • Molecules held together by weak intermolecular forces
        • Can form giant covalent structures
          • Graphite
            • Can conduct electricity because it has delocalised electrons
            • Made of layers called graphene, held together by weak intermolecular forces
            • Fullerenes - Covalent structures made out of the same elements
              • Buckminster Fullerene
                • A sphere like cage made of carbon
          • Diamond
            • Fullerenes - Covalent structures made out of the same elements
              • Buckminster Fullerene
                • A sphere like cage made of carbon
        • H2O
      • Ionic
        • Bonding between metal and non-metal ions
          • An ion is an atom has lost or gained electrons so its outer shell can become full
        • Transfer of electrons
        • Can conduct electricity when molten or aqueous
        • NaCl
          • Na+ + Cl-
      • Metalic
        • Bonding between metals only
          • Metal ions surrounded  by a sea of delocalised electrons
            • Arranged in tight layers
              • Layers are able to slide over each other
          • Can conduct electricity
          • Alloys
            • A metallic structure with any other element mixed in
        • Fe
    • Electrolosis
      • The separation of compounds using electricity
        • Negative Electrode - Cathode
          • Attracts positive ions
            • Takes the extra electron(s) making the ion an atom
        • Reduction can also mean the gain of electrons
          • OIL RIG
            • Oxidation can also mean the loss of electrons
        • Positive Electrode - Anode
          • Attracts negative ions
            • Gives extra electron(s) to the ion making it an atom
        • Oxidation can also mean the loss of electrons
      • Uses a large amount of electricity
    • The Reactivity Series
      • Most reactive - little energy required to lose outer electrons
      • Least reactive - more energy requires to lose outer electrons
      • Redox Reactions
        • Oxidation - the gain of oxygen
        • Reduction - the loss of oxygen
        • 4Fe + 3O2 -> 2Fe2O3
        • Carbon can be used to extract any metal less reactive than carbon from its ore
      • Displacement Reaction - when a more reactive element takes the place of a less reactive one
        • FeCl2 + Mg -> Fe + MgCl2
      • Corrosion is the formation of compounds on the surface of a metal


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