Characteristics of living organisms

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  • Characteristics of Living Organisms
    • They Respire
      • Organisms release energy from their food by a process called respiration
    • They Respond to Their Surroundings
      • Living organisms can react to changes in their surroundings
    • They Grow and Develop
      • Even the smallest organisms have to grow and develop into their adult form
    • They Move
      • Organisms move towards things like water and food, and away from things like predators and poisons. Even plants can move a bit.
    • They Need Nutrition
      • Living organisms need nutrients to provide them with energy and the raw materials for growth and repair. Nutrients include things like proteins, fats, carbohydrates as well as vitamins and minerals
    • They Excrete Their Waste
      • Waste products such as carbon dioxide and urine have to be removed. The removal of waste is called excretion
    • They Reproduce
      • Organisms have to produce offspring in order for their species to survive
    • They Can Control Their Internal Conditions
      • Internal conditions include temperature and water content


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