Changing Place

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  • Changing Place
    • Place
      • The geographical centre of connections and linkages including flows of people, ideas, information, wealth and things.
      • A theoretical approach to place
        • Descriptive  approach
          • The world is a set of places which can be studies through a description of its physical and human characteristics
        • A social constructionist approach
          • Place is a set of social processes occuring at a particular time which gives the place meaning.
        • Phenomenological Approach
          • the connection between place and person that transforms unknown spaces into familiar spaces (experiences)
      • Location
        • Where a place is e.g coordinates on a map
      • Sense of place
        • A place developed through experience, it reflects emotional and subjective attachment
    • Divisions of Place
      • Globalisation
        • Led to geographical era of 'placelessness' where global capitalism has eroded local culture and identity
          • Homogenised = to make a place uniform or similar
            • global spread of retail chains (TNCs) = Clone Towns
          • Glocalisation
            • promotion/ adaptions of local goods/culture to regain local culture and indentities
              • eg. McBurritos in Mexico
      • Insider and Outsider
        • Perceptions depend on the level of attachment to a place
        • Insider
          • the perspective of someone who knows a place and it familiar with its characteristics
        • Outsider
          • the perception of someone who does not know a place well or someone who is marginalised in a community
      • Near and Far
        • places nearer to each other have a greater connection - tend to know more about near places than those far away
        • can refer to geographical distance, socioeconomic gap between residents or the emotional connection people fee towards a place
        • improvements in technology and transport means places even far away feel much closer as connections increase and travel times decrease
    • The importance of place
      • Well-being
        • sociability - neighbourly, friendly, welcoming
        • access - connected, access to resources and services
        • activities - community, social
        • image - clean, safe, attractive, stable
      • Identity
        • place is critical to a persons identity through the experience and knowledge they had there
        • local - emotional ownership
        • regional - loyalty to religion
        • National - Patriotism
      • Belonging
        • community spirit
        • inclusivity regardless of age, gender, socio-economic status, religion, race
    • representation of place
      • Experienced Places
        • when people visit a place they have memories which invoke feelings about the place
      • Media Places
        • the media portrayal of places can impact the stigma attached to it
        • places associated with literature, art or film are often popular tourist destinations but may not live up to the expectations
      • Perception
        • Sense of Place - the result of lived experience in a location - important to a personal identity
          • developed through what people have read or heard
      • Changing Perception
        • Re-Imaging
        • Rebranding
          • used to dispel negative perceptions
          • to give a place a new, more positive identity at the local, national and international levels
          • redeveloped and marketed to gain a new identity which will attract new investment, tourists, residents etc.
        • Regeneration
          • long-term process aimed initially at economic improvement which through the multiplier effect will bring further social and physical improvements
          • reverse urban decline and create sustainable communites
        • Place Marketing
          • advertising campaigns
          • events
          • attract new investment, retailing, tourists and residents
    • Factors affecting the character of a place
      • Socio-economic
        • employment
        • education
        • income
        • health
        • crime rate
        • local clubs/ societies
      • Culture
        • heritage
        • religion
      • Political Factors
        • role and strength of local government
        • impact of national governement
      • Built environment
        • land use
        • age and type of housing
        • building density
      • Location
        • urban or rural
        • proximity to other settlements/ main roads
      • Demographic factors
        • population size/structure
        • ethinicity
      • Physical geography
        • relief
        • altitude
        • drainage
        • soil/rock type




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