Globalisation and economic change

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  • Changing cities - Birmingham - Globalisation and economic change
    • In 2014, Birmingham had a total population of approximately 1.1 million people - an increase of 9.9% since 2004.
    • Birmingham has a youthful population. In 2014, 22.9% of the population were children - approximately 19% higher than both the regional and national averages.
    • In 2014, 13.1% of people living in Birmingham were of pensionable age - lower than both the regional and national averages.
    • The key reasons for population growth in Birmingham city are an increase in the number of births, a rise in international migration and a declining death rate from improved health care.
    • Deindustrialisation in Birmingham
      • Globalisation
        • Increased imports of foreign cars- less demand for cars produced in Birmingham
      • Developments in transport
        • affects local economy; creates unemployment; need to retrain workers
        • 1970s ring road built some factories removed to make way for route
      • Decentralisation
        • Inner city redeveloped old factories demolished to make way for new housing
        • empty factory units are eyesores, encourage vandalism, and are a public health risk.
      • Technological advances
        • Slow adaptation of new technologies some industries became less efficient than higher-tech rivals and closed down


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