The Milankovitch cycles

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  • changes in the Earth's orbit
    • eccentricity
      • change in the shape of the Earth's orbit around the sun
      • 95,000 year cycle. during circular orbit there are cooler, glacial conditions and during elipticalit's much warmerb/c it's closer to the sun
      • when there is a more circular orbit (like 2014) there are smaller differences between the earth and sun at perihelion and aphelion = associated with glacial periods
    • precession
      • - 23,000 year cycle -axial wobble -at present we have mild winters in N and hot summers in S because we are at perihelion. In 12,000 years we will have aphelion and cold winters in N and mild summers S
      • perihelion is when the axis is pointing towards the sun
      • one hemisphere will get bigger contrasts between the seasons and the other will have milder seasons
    • obliquity
      • 42,000 year cycle -changein the Earth's axial tilt. -22.5-24.5 degrees tilt.
      • when the tilt increases the level of incoming solar radiation is more concentrated on the  poles because there is a smaller surfacearea
      • smaller angle means smaller seasonal differences
  • eccentricity
    • change in the shape of the Earth's orbit around the sun
    • 95,000 year cycle. during circular orbit there are cooler, glacial conditions and during elipticalit's much warmerb/c it's closer to the sun
    • when there is a more circular orbit (like 2014) there are smaller differences between the earth and sun at perihelion and aphelion = associated with glacial periods


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