
  • Created by: bertiboo
  • Created on: 14-04-15 18:43
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  • Cells
    • Animal Cells
      • Nucleus
        • Contains genetic material that controls the cell activity
      • Cytoplasm
        • Where most chemical reactions take place
      • Cell Membrane
        • Holds the cell together and controls what goes in and out
      • Mitochondria
        • Where most of the reactions for respiration take place
      • Ribosomes
        • Where the protiens are made in the cell
    • Plant Cells
      • Nucleus
        • Contains genetic material that controls the cell activity
      • Cytoplasm
        • Where most chemical reactions take place
      • Cell Membrane
        • Holds the cell together and controls what goes in and out
      • Mitochondria
        • Where most of the reactions for respiration take place
      • Ribosomes
        • Where the protiens are made in the cell
      • Cell Wall
        • Made of cellulose suports and strengthens
      • Permanent Vacuole
        • Contains cell sap a weak solution of sugar and salts
      • Chloroplasts
        • Where photosynthesis occurs


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