Catholic Christianity-Practices-The sacraments

  • Created by: gracie:09
  • Created on: 20-11-22 19:08
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  • Catholic Christianity-Practices-The sacraments
    • A sacrament is a religious ritual that is believed to make people holier and bring them closer to God through the presence of the holy spirit
      • "The seven sacraments are the signs and instruments by which the holy spirit spreads the grace of Christ throughout the church"-CCC
    • sacraments are a way which we can see outwardly Gods grace given to a human being (outward sign of an inward gift)
    • "The 7 sacraments touch all stages and all the important moments of Christian life"-CCC
    • The sacraments of initiation are baptism, confirmation and holy communion
    • Reconciliation: Also known as confession or penance, allows a person to see they have separated themselves from God & they need God's forgiveness and help not to sin again- this is contrition( being sorry for what you have done), recieving the sacrament atleast once a year is one of the preceps of the church, effectis forgiveness of sins
  • Baptism: Marks a person's entry to the church--effect of the baptism is the giving of Grace and the cleansing of original sin
    • SYMBOLISM: Water = cleansing of sin, White garment = purity, oil = being chosen by God and Lighting of candle =Jesus is the light in their life and the world
  • Confirmation: Gives strength through the holy spirit to live a Christian life, way of completing a person's baptism, person confirming they want to be a part of the church       SYMBOLISM: Recite baptism vows-completion of baptism
  • Eucharist (Holy communion):It unites all Catholics in communion with each other and God, Catholics believe that through the process of transubstantiation the consecrated bread and wine becomes the body and blood of Jesus(Gods presence is in consecrated bread and wine) commemorates the last supper, effect is it increases spiritual strength more than any other sacrament
    • "The sacrament of sacraments"-CCC
    • SYMBOLISM=bread-basic food of life       Wine(crushed grapes)Christ was crushed for the salvation of the world
  • Marriage: Man + Woman give their lives to each other exclusively, relationship of love and faithfulness & procreation, involves couple & God so can only be ended by death, effect is joining
    • SYMBOLISM: Rings=The couples and Gods unending love   Vows= Promises that they are binding their lives together in an unbreakable bond
  • Holy Orders: When a man who has a special vocation to God becomes a priest, a way to show disciple ship and is a promise to serve, granted authority to give the sacraments to others, The effect is the priest is given the grace and strength needs to fulfill his role & carry out his responsibilities
    • SYMBOLISM: Anointing of hands-He can make others holy through the sacraments, Ring-Faithfulness to the church, Laying on of hands-calling for the strength of the holy spirit
  • Anointing of the sick: Given to those who are ill and dying, a way of showing God's presence through a person's life even at death, Gives strength in illness and comfort in suffering, prepares a person for death
    • SYMBOLISM= OIL-healing and cleansing and Laying of hands- calling for the strength of the holy spirit
  • Divergent Christian beliefs about the sacraments
    • Orthodox Christians: celebrate the same 7 sacraments as Catholics
    • Protestant Christians: Generally only accept 2 of the 7 sacraments as necessary for salvation- Baptism and Holy communion they believe these are the only 2 Jesus told us to do
    • Some protestants only baptise when older so they can agree to it and some dont believe in any sacraments (quakers)


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