Cardiac Cycle

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  • Cardiac Cycle
    • Atrial Systole:1
      • Blood is under low pressure
        • Atria fills with blood
          • Increases blood pressure against AV valves
            • Pushes AV valves open and blood begins to flow into ventricles
              • Atria walls contract and forces more blood into ventricles and this is the ATRIAL SYSTOLE.
    • Ventricular Systole:2
      • Ventricles contract upward
        • Increases pressure and forces open semilunar valves
          • Pushes blood out of pulmonary arteries and aorta
            • Pressure of blood against AV valves closes them and prevents backflow of blood.
    • Cardiac Diastole:3
      • Atria and ventricles relax.
        • Elastic recoils and lowers pressure
          • Blood under high pressure in arteries and aorta is drawn back to ventricles
            • Closes semi-lunar valves and prevents back flow
              • Coranary arteries fill
                • low pressure in atria draws blood into heart
    • Wigger's Diagram
      • A diagram that shows the different pressures of blood in the aorta,ventricle and atrium
        • In the ventricles, the blood pressure starts rather low.Then,early on, there is a 'n' shaped curve before a very large 'N' shaped curve in the middle of the cycle resulting in a very high blood pressure at its peak.Yet, it rapidly comes back don and then there's another small 'N' shaped curve at the end before returning to its original pressure.
        • In the Aorta, the blood pressure starts the highest and then dips early on slightly-however,it then rises above its starting pressure and then in a 'n' shaped curve it comes back down in the middle and then remains at a constant pressure onward for the rest of the cycle
        • In the atrium, there is a starting low pressure that stays low.There are two slight rises in the first half ,yet, after that is stays at its original low pressure constantly.


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