Afro-Celt Sound System - Release

  • Created by: Enzio1221
  • Created on: 09-04-17 12:46
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  • Afro-Celt Sound System            -            Release
    • Structure
      • Intro: starts with a drone. Layering of Parts increase as talking drum, Vocal samples are added.
      • Verse 1: Main female vocal comes in singing verse 1.
    • Harmony                /                Tonality
      • it's in the key of C minor and is modal, the chord sequences are repetitive
      • There is a use of extended chords(7th & 9th), there is a slow harmonic pulse, there is a use of a drone
    • Melody           (Yellow)
      • Very repetitive, the main verse is syllabic,The note range is limited (6th), there are short phrases
    • Dynamics
      • There are terraced dynamics in this piece, sometimes it is quiet, other times it is loud
    • Tempo                   /                 Rhythm                /                   Metre
      • Intro: Starts of in Free Time but establishes a steady tempo as different instruments are added.
    • Instruments              /                  Texture           (Orange)
      • Texture in intro: starts with a simple drone, then Layering of Parts increase as talking drum, Vocal samples are added slowly


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