Biology Revision

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  • Biology
    • Cells
      • Building Blocks of Life
      • Small - Different Shapes & Sizes
      • Found in all living organisms
      • Parts of an Animal Cell
        • Nucleus
          • Controls the cell and contains all genetic DNA
        • Cytoplasm
          • Where chemical reactions occur
        • Cell Membrane
          • Controls what enters and leaves the cell
      • Parts of Plant Cell
        • Nucleus
          • Controls the cell and contains genetic DNA.
        • Cytoplasm
          • Where chemical reactions occur
        • Cell Membrane
          • Controls what enters and leaves the cell
        • Vacuole
          • Holds the Cell together in the right shape and controls water content
        • Cell Wall
          • Provides support for the plant to stand-up right.
        • Chloroplasts
          • Contains Chlorophyll for the plant to make food using sunlight
      • Mitochrondria
        • Where energy is made in the cell (energy synthesis)
        • Found in plant and animal cells
      • Ribsomes
        • where proteins are made in the cell (protein synthesis)
        • Found in animal,  plant and some bacterial cells
      • Size of Cells
        • Untitled
      • Yeast
    • Diffusion
    • Osmosis
    • Active Transport
    • DNA
    • Genes
    • Proteins
    • Enzymes
    • Genetic Engineering
    • Photosynthesis
    • Respiration


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