Biology - Nerves and Hormones

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  • Biology Nerves and Hormones
    • Receptors
      • Receptors are found in the eyes, ears, nose, mouth and skin
      • Receptors detect things such as smells, light, pressure, sound and taste.
    • Nervous System
      • The human central nervous system (CNS) consists of the brain and spinal chord.
      • Recetors sends a signal along the neurones to the brain once stimulated.
    • Neurones
      • Sensory neurones carry signals from the receptors to the spinal cord and brain
      • Nerve cells that carry information as tiny electrical signals to the brain.
      • Relay neurones carry messages from one part of the CNS to another
      • Motor neurones carry signals from the CNS to effectors.
      • Between two neurones there is a gap called a synapse. Signals cross the gap using chemicals.
      • One neurone releases the chemical signal, causing the next neurone to transmit an electrical signal.
    • Reflex Actions
      • Sometimes a quick reaction is needed and cannot be processed through the CNS.
      • In a simple refex action, the signal goes in the order of stimulus, receptor, sensory neurone, relay neurone, motor neurone and effector.
      • An effector is any part of the body that produces the response, eg. muscle contractions, or a gland secreting a hormone or other chemical.


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