Biological Therapies

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  • Biological Therapies
    • Chemotherapy
      • Drugs - antipsychotics, antidepressants, anxiolytics
      • Antipsychotics
        • Reduce positive symptoms of schizophrenia
        • Reduces delusions
        • Typical (original)
          • Typical antipsychotics block some the dopamine receptors because schizophrenics hae abnormally high levels of dopamine. These drugs reduce the effect of dopamine rather than the level of dopamine.
            • Chloropromazine
              • Side Effects
                • Tardive Dyskensia, uncontrollable facial spasms
        • Atypical
          • Atypical antipsychotics (clozapine) - exactly same as typical but only blocks some of the receptors for a few hours. Reducing tardive dyskenesia
      • Effectiveness
        • Chemotherapies do work
        • Relapse rates after one year
          • Chloropromazine - 25%
          • Chloropromazine+family - 2-23%
      • Ease of Use
        • Requires little effort from user
        • Clinicians advocate a mixture of chemotherapy and some form of psychotherapy
      • Tackles symptoms rather than the problem
      • Temporary alleviations of symptoms
      • SideEffects
        • Anxiety
        • Sexual dysfunction
        • Insomnia
        • Nausea
        • Suicidal Thoughts
      • Antidepressants
        • SSR - Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor
          • e.g. Prozac
            • Abnormally low level of serotonin causes depression. Therefore prozac blocks the reuptake ports which in turn causes the serotonin to have more effect.
      • Anxiolytics
        • Anti-stress
          • e.g. BZ's - Benzodiazapenes
            • Librium
            • Untitled
    • ECT


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