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  • Bio
    • diet and metabolic rate
      • Proteins - Growth, cell repair and cell replacement
        • Carbohydrates  - glucose=energy - chemical reaction (Metabolism) Metabolic rate - how fast the reaction occurs (Skinny people have lower metabolic rate (mum))[increase during exercise because it builds muscles]
        • fats - warmth (Lining your organs) and energy
      • Cholesterol - High blood CH = plaques in walls of arteries. Blood clot can cause heart attacks as arteries take oxygenated blood to the heart.
        • Low blood CH = unsaturated fats (plants) High blood CH = saturated fats (Animals) Carried in your blood in 2 ways
          • Low density lipoproteins (LDL) BAD - heart disease High density lipoproteins (HDL) GOOD removes CH from walls of blood vessels which prevents heart disease
      • Evolution
        • Similar characteristics = similar genes, meaning they are closely related. evolutionary trees show common ancestors and relationships between organisms.
          • if we see organisms in the same environment with similar characteristics, it suggets they might be in competition. differences between organisms in the same environment can show predator-prey relationships.
            • Natural selection: Charles Darwin - individuals within a species show variation because of the differences in their genes. Individuals with characteristics that make them better adapted to the environment have a better chance of survival and so are more likely to breed successfully. so the genes that are responsible for the useful characteristics are more likely to be passed on to the next generation.
              • Evolution can occur due to mutation which is a change in an organisms DNA. which would be passed on onto the next generation by natural selection.
                • Not everyone agreed with Darwin - Went against religious beliefs about how life on Earth developed. Darwin wasnt able to give a good explanation for why these characteristics appeared or how because there wasnt enough evidence.
                  • Landmark had a different idea: argued that if a characteristic was used a lot by an organism then it would become more developed during its lifetime. he believed that these acquired characteristics would be passed on to the next generation.
    • fighting disease
      • Bacteria - Small + reproduce asap - damage cells + produce toxins = ill
        • Viruses - live inside your cell - invade and replicate. when too many are made = cell burst (=ill) = releases virus
          • Epidemic = loads of people are ill Pandemic = national range are ill
            • Bacteria - Small + reproduce asap - damage cells + produce toxins = ill
              • Viruses - live inside your cell - invade and replicate. when too many are made = cell burst (=ill) = releases virus
                • Epidemic = loads of people are ill Pandemic = national range are ill
                  • Skin, hair + mucus prevent viruses and bacteria from getting into your body and through cuts.
                    • If something does enter then the immune system kicks in. WBC - 1.engulf (swallow) foreign cells and digest them.
                      • 2. every invading cell as a unique molecule called antigen on its surface. WBC produce proteins  (antibodies) they are specific to the type of antigen.
                        • 3. Antibodies produce asap carried to kill bacterial virus.
                • Simmelweis - figured out that pregnant women were dying cuz of transferred disease (puerperal fever). he then made the docs wash their hands with chlorine and water. the death rates decreased. His theory wasn't accepted (Science wasn't accepted + no tech)
                  • Antibiotics - a drug which alters the chemical reaction in the body and kill bacteria without damaging the actual cell, also they cannot destroy (cuz a blood cell needs to be killed in order to kill a virus, and that cannot be done) viruses. . e.g: penicillin
                    • Overuse = bacteria resistance. Bacteria can mutate which causes the resistance. When antibiotics are used, only the non-resistant bacteria will be killed. then the resistant bacteria will produce (Strain population increases)
                      • MRSA (types of illness that is mostly resistant to antibiotics)  - causes wounds and infections . To prevent resistance less antibiotics should be prescribed.
                        • Experiment - testing antibiotics and disinfectants - 1. Microorganisms are grown in a culture medium (Agar jelly - carbs, minerals, proteins and minerals, which are needed for microorganisms to grow). 2. microorganisms multiply on the agar jelly 3. paper discs soaked (the bigger the area, the more effective the antibiotic) in antibiotics, placed on the jelly, the non-resistant bacteria will die and the others will grow around it.  4. the dish must be steralised before use. the petri dish must have a dish to prevent cross contamination. kept at 25 degrees cuz harmful pathogens wont grow at this temperature. but in an industry they will be at a higher temperature so the microorganisms grow faster.
                        • Vaccinations - injecting small amounts of inactive/dead microorganisms, which carry antigens - causes body to produce antibodies which attack. If the disease does every occur in the future then the WBC would know how to fight. Booster injections are given for when the vaccination wears out.
                          • Pros - infections control (small pox) prevents epidmics/pandmics Cons- vaccines dont always work. they have side effects (swelling)
                      • MMR - Measels mumps and rubella. (Vaccinations) inactive viruses which cause those diseases are injected into the blood. WBC attack, produce antibodies. they become immune without suffering. New disease = mutation in bacteria and virus
              • Simmelweis - figured out that pregnant women were dying cuz of transferred disease (puerperal fever). he then made the docs wash their hands with chlorine and water. the death rates decreased. His theory wasn't accepted (Science wasn't accepted + no tech)
                • Antibiotics - a drug which alters the chemical reaction in the body and kill bacteria without damaging the actual cell, also they cannot destroy (cuz a blood cell needs to be killed in order to kill a virus, and that cannot be done) viruses. . e.g: penicillin
                  • Overuse = bacteria resistance. Bacteria can mutate which causes the resistance. When antibiotics are used, only the non-resistant bacteria will be killed. then the resistant bacteria will produce (Strain population increases)
                    • MRSA (types of illness that is mostly resistant to antibiotics)  - causes wounds and infections . To prevent resistance less antibiotics should be prescribed.
                      • Experiment - testing antibiotics and disinfectants - 1. Microorganisms are grown in a culture medium (Agar jelly - carbs, minerals, proteins and minerals, which are needed for microorganisms to grow). 2. microorganisms multiply on the agar jelly 3. paper discs soaked (the bigger the area, the more effective the antibiotic) in antibiotics, placed on the jelly, the non-resistant bacteria will die and the others will grow around it.  4. the dish must be steralised before use. the petri dish must have a dish to prevent cross contamination. kept at 25 degrees cuz harmful pathogens wont grow at this temperature. but in an industry they will be at a higher temperature so the microorganisms grow faster.
                      • Vaccinations - injecting small amounts of inactive/dead microorganisms, which carry antigens - causes body to produce antibodies which attack. If the disease does every occur in the future then the WBC would know how to fight. Booster injections are given for when the vaccination wears out.
                        • Pros - infections control (small pox) prevents epidmics/pandmics Cons- vaccines dont always work. they have side effects (swelling)
                    • MMR - Measels mumps and rubella. (Vaccinations) inactive viruses which cause those diseases are injected into the blood. WBC attack, produce antibodies. they become immune without suffering. New disease = mutation in bacteria and virus
            • Skin, hair + mucus prevent viruses and bacteria from getting into your body and through cuts.
              • If something does enter then the immune system kicks in. WBC - 1.engulf (swallow) foreign cells and digest them.
                • 2. every invading cell as a unique molecule called antigen on its surface. WBC produce proteins  (antibodies) they are specific to the type of antigen.
                  • 3. Antibodies produce asap carried to kill bacterial virus.
    • Drugs
      • recreational(Makes them feel different)- (legal + illegal). illegal can be both soft, e,g: cannabis  and hard (addictive + harmful - heart disease + circulatory problems + mental health problems)e.g: heroin + ecstasy. soft drugs can lead to hard drugs.
        • reasons for using drugs: enjoyment, relaxation, stress relief, inspiration (background, personal life), and pain relief.
          • legal drugs (alcohol + nicctine) are more dangerous than illegal drugs, cux theyre used by many, have been around for many years which makes the use of them normal to people.
        • Sports drugs - steroids = larger + strong muscles. Beta blockers = helps stay calm + steady. these drugs cause long lasting damage (e.g:death)
          • reasons for using drugs: enjoyment, relaxation, stress relief, inspiration (background, personal life), and pain relief.
            • legal drugs (alcohol + nicctine) are more dangerous than illegal drugs, cux theyre used by many, have been around for many years which makes the use of them normal to people.
          • Pros -right to make their own decisions. cons - unfair advantage. athletes may not be aware of the side effects
        • Trials - 1. drug is tested on human/ animal cell/tissue - find out if it is toxic. 2. human volunteers are given different dosages to find out the appropriate dose and record any side effects. 3. clinical trial - tested on target illness. some volunteers are given a placebo to determine if the drug really works. - Blind: patient doesnt know if its drug or placebo. Double blind: neither the patient nor the doc knows whether they have the placebo or not.
          • Thalidomide - 1960s prescribed to pregnant women to treat morning sickness. was trialed as a sleeping pill, but not on pregnant women. pregnant women who took it, had their babies delivered with short/no limbs. it soon got banned and now its used for leprosy.
    • Environment + Evolution
      • Adaptations - Desert animals: larger surface area - lose body heat. Efficient with water - lose less water/urine/sweat: less concentrated. thin layer of body fat - lose body heat e.g: camals carry some of their fat in their humps. Camouflage - avoid predators + sneak on preys.
        • Artic animals: small surface area compared to Vol - reduces heat loss in cold conditions. Well insulated - thick layer of blabber, acts as a energy resource. Thick hairy coat - keeps body heat. Greasy fur- sheds water + prevents cooling due to evaporation. Camouflage - white fur to avoid predators + sneak on prey.
          • Competition: Plants compete for light, space + minerals from the soil. Animals compete for space (teritory), food, water + mates.
            • Environmental changes: living: Change in infectious disease, change in number of predators, change in number of preys/food resources, change in number/type of competition. +nonliving factors: change in average temperature, change in average rainfall, change in level of air/water pollution.
              • Population increase: number of prey increases, then there is more food available for the predators, they survive and reproduce so their numbers increase too. + decrease: if theres less food available then number of predators will decrease. if there is more disease then amount of predators would be killed.  Distribution change: change in where an organiism lives - due to the above changes
                • Measuring environmental changes: lichens - air pollution can be monitored + sensitive to concentration of suplhadioxide in the atmosphere. Number + type of lichens in a particular location indicates how clear the air is, e.g: clean air = lots lichens. Mayfly larvae - good indicators of water pollution + very sensitive to the concentration of dissolved oxygen in water - indication of clean water. Rats tailed maggots - indicate a high level of water pollution
          • Energy transfer and decay: sun - energy. green plants + algae use less sun. this energy is transferred through the food chain when they are eaten by animals. respiration - energy for movement energy can be lost in the surroundings as heat - homeostasis. some energy is lost through inedible materials e.g: bone. and also lost through waste materials such as excretions.
            • Decay: plants take elements like Carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen from the soil/air. these are turned into complex compounds e.g: carbohydrates, proteins and fats. These elements returned to the environment through waste products or when organisms die.materials decay cuz they are broken down by microoganisms and thats how elements are put back into the soil.
              • The carbon cycle:
                • Variation: Genetic variation: Characteristiics which are the same as the parents due to genetically inherits which came through gametes. No 2 species would be the same unless they are identical twins. inherited characteristics include: hair colour, eye colour, diseases and blood group + Environmental variation: changes due to conditions such as the weather. -- Most characteristics are determined by both genes and environment such as height
                  • Genes, chromosomes and DNA. Nucleus contains DNA which is made up of 23 pairs of chromosomes. they are made up of genes, each gene controls different characteristics such as hair colour. differents versions of the same gene are called alleles.
                    • reproduction: Sexual: 2 organisms genes are combined to create a unique offspring. gametes - egg + sperm cells. each gamete contains half the chromosomes and when combined make the full pairs. this produces variation in the offspring as the chromosomes are made up of a mixture of 2 people. Asexual reproduction: cell divides into 2. involves only 1 parent. no mixing involved. this is used to make replacement cells - bacteria and some plants.
                      • Cloning: plants - cutting: use cuttings of the parent, which is replanted and an identical plant is grown + tissue culture: few plant cells are put in a growth medium with hormones, and they grow into new plants - clones of the parent plant. they can be made very quickly, in small space and all year around. Animals - Embryo transplants: sperm and egg cells taken from prize animal - artificial fertilisation. embryo is split many times to create clones - these are placed inside the animal to grow. Adult cell cloning -  taking an unfertilised egg and taking out its nucleus. a complete set of chromosomes is placed inside the empty cell. egg is stimulated by an electric shock - this makes it divide like a normal embryo. its then implanted into an adult female to create the clone. - Dolly the sheep.
                        • issues with cloning: reduced gene pool - fewer different alleles in a population. easier to kill by disease. Not as healthy as normal ones. Worry of humans being cloned in the future. Advantages - better understanding of embryo, ageing and age-related disorders. help preserve endangered animals.
                          • Genetic engineering: copy a useful gene from one organism into the cells of another. enzymes are used to cut another organisms chromosome and then to insert the useful gene. - used for e.g:human insulin gene can be inserted into bacteria to produce human insulin. This method can also be used for animals and plants at the stage of fertilisation meaning they will develop useful characteristics. e.g: GM crops - make them resisitant to viruses + insects. Sheep - to produce drugs in their milk which is used for treating human diseases.
                            • Genetic engineering - has the potential of solving many problems. however - long term effects: unplanned problems which could be passed onto future generations.
                              • GM crops - Pros: increase the yield - making more food. the food could be modified to provide more nutrients. Cons - reduce farmland biodiversity. not safe (not everyone is convinced).
        • Desert plants: small surface area compared to Vol - Lose water from surface of leaves + Cactus have spines besides leaves to reduce water loss - also have small surface area for reduced water loss. Water storage issues - cactus store water in its thick stem - have shallow yet extensive roots to collect large amounts of water from long distances


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