
  • Created by: eeesh
  • Created on: 04-03-19 11:12
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  • Becker (Contemporary)
    • Aim: to evaluate the impact of recent introduction of western TV on disordered eating among ethnic Fijian adolescence girls.
    • Procedure
      • Naturalistic multi-wave cross-sectional design in which 2 separate samples of ethnic Fijian adolescent girls.
        • The first wave occured in 1995, within a few weeks of the introduction of the TV to Nadroga (63 girls), and the second in 1998, after the area had been exposed to TV for 3 years (65 gitrls)- they had similar ages ands BMI scored.
          • Written informed consent was obtained from subjects and a corresponding parent/guardian
            • They completed an EAT-26 test which included questions about bingeing and purging. A score higher than 20 was considered high.
              • In addition, subjects responded to questions concerning household ownership of TV and frequency of viewing. weight and height were also measured.
                • Respondents who reported either bingeing or purging behaviours were also asked to respond to a semi-structured interview to confirm the behaviour.
                  • In 1998, additional survey questions elicited data on body image, and dieting .
    • % of subjects with high EAT-26 scores was 12.7% in 1995 compared with 29.2% in 1998.
    • % of subjects reporting self-induced vomitting to lose weight was 0% in 1995 and 11.3% by 1998
      • Becker concluded that characters on Western TV shows acted as role models for the young girls, so they feel pressure to imitate their slim appearances..
    • EAT-26 was a standardised questionnaire (Reliable), however social desirability/ demand characteristics.
    • Semi-structured interviews have some set questions, and some which may vary. (more in depth valid data)
    • High ecological validity due to taking place in their real environments,however other social factors could affect results.
    • small sample in the 2 years, not representative.
      • Also ethnocentric and gynocentric.
    • Quant and qual data- good for stats and depth
    • consent from children and parents (informed)
      • Naturally  occurring- no harm caused.


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