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  • Rebellions under William I
    • 1067 rising in Kent
      • In 1067, William believed that the kingdom was secure enough to leave the country and return to Normandy to take care of matters
      • As a result, A localised rebellion in Kent formed to take aim at their anger with Odo. It was largely unsuccessful and resulted in the rebels deaths
    • East Anglia 1070-71
    • Exeter Rising 1068
      • Following the death of Harold, his family went into hiding in Ireland. They returned in 1068 in order to try and take the throne back, using Exeter as a staging ground
      • William was favourable to the town when he defeated the rebels, and did not punish them harshly
      • This came in useful when Harold's family made a second attempt a few years later, as Exeter refused to side with them
    • Revolt of the Norman Earls 1075
    • Northern Rising 1069-70
      • The northern rising occurred in response to the belief the North were losing the autonomy they held before the invasion by William
      • Over the year, William's army was consistently hounded by large rebel groups in the North, constituting the first main threat he had experienced as king. This prompted the violent response of the Harrying of the North
    • The Harrying of the North
      • The Harrying of the North was the systematic destruction of anything of value to the rebels in the North
      • Untitled
    • Rebellion's on the Welsh Border
      • In response to tensions along the border with England, Eadric the Wild and the Welsh princes agreed to raid along the border. They ended up only raiding a church before retreating


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