B3 Living and Growing

  • Created by: Mary
  • Created on: 12-01-13 12:39
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    • KEY WORDS:
      • Mitochondria - Where respiration takes place
      • Ribosome - Where protein synthesis takes place
      • Nucleus - Contains DNA
      • Cytoplasm - Jelly like ... where reactions take place
      • Cell Membrane - Controls what leaves and enters the cell
      • Vacole - Stores water and nutrients
      • Chloroplast - site of Photosynthesis
      • glucose + oxygen -> carbon dioxide + water
      • Biological catalysts - Enzymes speed up reactions in the body.
      • Mitosis - Produces new cells for growth
      • Miosis - type of cell division
      • Arteries - transport blood away from the heart
      • Veins - Transport blood back to the heart
      • Capillaries - links arteries to veins
      • Haemoglobin - chemical found in red blood cell which carries oxygen
      • Selective Breeding - breeding two to get desired characteristics
      • Alleles - characteristics carried as pairs of chromosomes
      • Insulin - controls glucose levels in body
      • Tissue Culture - small sections of tissue to clone plants
      • Genetic Engineering - Transfer of genes from one organism to another.
    • Watson and crick discovered the structure of the DNA.
    • Four bases in DNA A-T C-G .... called complementry bases.
    • Cross links hold two strands together.
    • section of chromosome made of DNA.
    • Proteins are made in cytoplasm.
    • Liver or muscle cells have large numbers of mitochondria.
    • proteins are made of amino acids joined together.
    • substrate molecule fits into the active site.
    • enzymes work best at a particular temperature and pH.
    • Mutation changes the order of the bases.
    • Food energy is trapped in a molecule called ATP.
    • Anaerobic  Respiration - glucose ->lactic acid (+energy)
      • Disadvantage:- Lactic acid builds up in muscles causing pain and fatigue.
    • Breathing rate and heart rate stay high during recovery.
    • Mitosis - genetically identical
      • Before the cells divide DNA replication must take place.
    • Meiosis - two divisions.
    • stem cells stay undifferentiated
    • dry mass is the best measure of growth.
    • measuring wet mass is hard for some organisms.
    • bacterial cells do not have a true nucleus.


chanda gajria



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