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    • Classification: Scientists use similarities and differences between living things to put them into groups.
    • Species: A group of living individuals that can exchange genes or interbreed.
      • How to identify a species: -They can breed together. -Their offspring can breed (They are fertile.)
    • New species moving into a habitat can cause many problems. Such as: -Different species that need the same things cannot live together. Therefore they must compete and only one can win.   -New species could be predators. -New species could bring disease.
    • The Food Web: Most animals eat the same thing. A lot of food chains contain some of the same animals. These can be all joined together in food webs. If one part of the food web disappears, this will effect all over parts of the food web.
    • Nearly all organisms are dependent on the Sun's energy.
      • Plants absorb a small percentage of the Sun's energy for photosynthesis.
        • Glucose is used to make lots of different chemicals within the plant. The energy is now stored inside chemicals which make up plant cells.
          • NOW WHAT HAPPENS TO THE ENERGY?: -Passed onto other organisms in the ecosystem when it is eaten. -Passed onto other organisms in the ecosystem when dead organisms and waste materials are fed on by decay organisms.
    • By adapting to surroundings, living organisms are able to increase their chance of survival.
      • Adaptations- Features that help an organism survive.
        • POLAR BEAR'S ADAPTATIONS: FUR ON THE SOLES OF FEET = better grip on ice and better insulation. -LARGE BODY = reduces heat loss -LARGE FEET = spreads the load on the snow and ice so that they can balance. -SHARP CLAWS AND TEETH = this helps them to catch and eat their prey so they do not starve. -SMALL EARS = reduces heat loss and keeps them warm. -STRONG LEGS = this helps them to swim and run to catch prey. -THICK LAYER OF BLUBBER = insulation of heat and store of energy.
    • Variation: Difference between individuals within species. These are caused by genetics or environmental factors.
    • Causes of Extinction:        -Another species in the food web becomes       extinct.           -A new species moves into the area.               -Change in environment beyond their ability to adapt.
    • Habitat - the place where a species lives.
    • Ecosystem -Organisms and non living factors in an area.
    • Interdependence - is the mutual dependence between things. There is a great detail of interdependence between plants and animals within an ecosystem.
      • The amount of CO2 has increased during the past 200 years. We can stop increasing levels by stopping burning forests to clear the land and cut back on the use of fossil fuels.
      • Nitrates are taken out of soil by -plant roots taking them up -bacteria -ground water
      • The organic compound is protein that nitrogen is found in plants and animals.
      • NITROGEN FIXING BACTERIA = convert nitrogen gas to nitrates.
      • DE-NITRIFYING BACTERIA = converts nitrates into nitrogen
      • DECOMPOSER BACTERIA = break down proteins in dead animals.
    • Life began on Earth around 3500 million years ago.
      • Evolution - The process by which species gradually changing over time.
        • Pieces of evidence for evolution: -fossil records -comparing DNA from living things.
    • Natural Selection produces change in species over time,
      • Variation within a population
        • Competition between individuals.
          • Better adapted individuals have an increased chance of survival.
            • Increased chance of reproduction.
              • Increased number of better adapted individuals in the population.
    • Selective Breeding
      • Living things in a species are not all the same.
        • Humans choose the individuals with the feature that they want.
          • These are plants or animals that are allowed to breed.
            • They pass their genes onto their offspring.
              • Most of the next generation have the chosen feature.
    • How are new species formed?
      • Mutation
      • Isolation
      • Change in environment
      • Natural selection
    • Biodiversity is the great variety of living things, both within a species and a between different species.
      • Biodiversity is important as it will destroy the food chain if species die out, it will disrupt the food chain, which could cause problems for us. Also, we get lots of things from nature like foods and medicines.
        • Sustainability - meeting the needs of people today without damaging Earth for people in the future.


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