Spider Diagram For Creative Arts Class

  • Created by: andalarew
  • Created on: 26-02-14 21:43
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  • Arts
    • Drama
      • Theatre
      • Puppet Shows
      • Musicals
      • Genere
        • Comedy
        • Tragedy
        • Improvisation
    • Visual
      • Technique
        • Painting
        • Photography
        • ceramics
        • drawing
        • sculpture
        • printmaking
        • design
        • filmmaking
      • Form
        • Negative
        • Positive
        • Organic
        • Geometric
        • Static
        • Dynamic
        • Volume
        • Mass
    • Music
      • Theory
        • Pitch
          • absolute pitch
          • tone
        • Rhythm
          • Time
          • Meter
          • Beat
          • polymeter
        • Melody
          • dynamics
          • duration
          • imbre
        • Harmony
          • triad
          • interval
        • Texture
          • monophony
          • heterophony
          • polyphony
          • homophony
          • monody
      • Instuments
        • Woodwind
          • Flute
          • Saxophone
          • Clarinet
        • Brass
          • Trumpet
          • Trombone
          • Tuba
          • Baritone
          • French Horn
        • Strings
          • Violin
          • Bass
          • Chello
          • Guitar
          • viola
        • Percussion
          • Drum kit
          • Triangle
          • Vibraphone


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