Animal Studies Of Attachment

  • Created by: KayshaN
  • Created on: 21-03-17 17:14
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  • Animal Studies Of Attachment
    • Lorenz
      • Investigating: Imprinting
      • Procedure: randomly divided a clutch of goose eggs. Half hatched with mother goose and others hatched in incubator and first moving object they saw was Lorenz
      • Findings: incubator group followed Lorenz everywhere and control group followed mother. Two groups mixed and continued to follow one born with. Imprinting had occurred. identified a critical period, if doesn't occur chicks didn't attach to mother fig.
      • Conclusions: also investigated sexual imprinting. Found that birds imprinted on humans displayed courtship behave to humans.
      • Evaluation
        • There is a problem in generalising findings from birds to humans. Mammal attach very diff to birds.
        • Some of his obvs questioned. He said sexual imprinting was permeant however with experience learned to prefer same kind. Temporary.
    • Harlow
      • Investigating: the importance of contact comfort
      • Procedure:  reared 16 baby monkeys with two wire models. One condition= milk dispensed from plain wire one and other condition= milk dispensed by cloth covered mum
      • Findings: baby monkeys cuddled soft object preferred to wire one and sought comfort from cloth one when frightened regardless of which dispensed milk. Showed contact comfort more important than food in attachment.
      • Conclusions: These monkeys were followed into adulthood to see if the maternal deprivation had permanent effect. Severe consequences. Aggressive, less sociable, bred less often and some neglected young.
      • Conclusions: Critical period for the behaviour, mother fig had to be introduced in 90days for attachment after this impossible.
      • Evaluation
        • Theoretical value- showed attachment is not due to mother feeding us but contact comfort. Also importance of early relationships on later development.
        • Practical value- social workers understand risk of child neglect.
        • Ethical issues- severe criticism. Suffered greatly. Said result can be generalised meaning suffering quite human like.


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