Anger management - A03

  • Created by: MollyL20
  • Created on: 22-10-21 09:48
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  • Anger management - A03
    • Limited effectiveness
      • 1. Anger management aims to change the cognitive causes of anger, rather than superficially changing behaviour.
      • 2. Therefore, this technique should be more likely to lead to long-lasting behavioural change.
      • 3. However, the evidence for this is very limited, perhaps because the role play situations cannot account for all possible anger-triggering scenarios in real life.
      • 4. Therefore, the long-term effect of anger management is in question.
    • Eclectic approach
      • 1. Anger management involves cognitive, behavioural and social techniques, recognising the complexity of anger as an emotional response. 
      • 2. The multidisciplinary approach acknowledges tat offending is a complex social and psychological activity, and any attempt to address it, should include these different elements.
    • Anger may not cause offending
      • 1. Evidence suggests that not all criminals, or crimes, are motivated by anger. 
      • 2. Loza and Loza-Fanous (1999) found no difference in levels of anger amongst violent and non-violent offenders. 
      • 3. Therefore, anger management is a limited technique to deal with offending behaviour.


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