Ageing populations

Managing ageing populations

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  • Ageing populations
    • Impacts on future development
      • Economic
        • economy would grow more slowly
          • less money spent on things to help economy grow e.g. education
          • more money spent on things that don't help economic growth e.g. retirement homes
        • taxes to go up bc more pensions to pay for and elderly need more healthcare
      • Social
        • healthcare services stretched more- more elderly need more care
        • working population have less leisure time and more stressed and worried
        • people may have fewer children, can't afford lots of children- drop in birth rate
        • more elderly people, lower the pension provided by governement
          • people will have to retire later, can't afford to get by on state pension
    • Strategies to cope with ageing population
      • encouraging immigration of young people from other countries
        • increases working population, more people paying taxes to support ageing population
      • raising retirement age
        • people stay in work longer, contribute to state and personal pensions for longer. also claim state pension for less time
        • these strategies help towards sustainable development bc help to reduce impacts of ageing population without increasing population size
          • raising taxes for working population
            • increase amount of money available to support ageing population
      • raising taxes for working population
        • increase amount of money available to support ageing population
      • encouraging larger families
        • increases number of young people- when they start work there'll be a larger working population to pay taxes and support ageing population
        • these strategies don't help sustainable development bc they increase population size
          • encouraging immigration of young people from other countries
            • increases working population, more people paying taxes to support ageing population


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