Advantages of Parliamentary Law-Making

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  • Advantages of Parliamentary Law-Making
    • Scrutiny
      • The legislative process (passing through both houses and receiving Royal Assent) is thorough - provides several opportunities for scrutiny, amendment, debate and corrections
    • Democratic
      • MPs in House of Commons are democratically elected to make laws. During debates on proposed law each MP can have the chance to put forward opinions according to their constituencies.
      • Members from House of Lords aren't democratically voted in so they cannot veto bills that have approval from the Commons. Role of Monarch (also unelected) has been reduced to a formality
        • Under Parliament Acts 1911 and 1949, delaying power of Lords is limited to 1 month for money bills and 1 year for other bills.
    • Government Controls
      • Has a  considerable amount of control over parliamentary law-making (controls parliamentary time table for debates and likely to win at each voting stage unless it's own MPs vote against it)
      • Democratic because Government is the preferred choice of a significant proportion of population
      • Government Minister introducing a bill to Parliament has knowledge in the field of responsibility and the support of a civil service department with considerable expertise
    • The House of Lords
      • Acts as a checking mechanism, can guard against laws being passed in favour of only the Government's political agenda, if HoL exercisespower to delay, there would be further opportunity for debate and amendment of the bill's provisions
      • HoL has many peers who may have expertise in certain areas and issues. High quality of debate and scrutiny. Members are able to act independently when voting and debating, MPs usually have to follow instructions from their party leadership.
        • Special rules exist in respect of money bills (e.g. whole House will sit at committee stage in HoC when a finance bill is being considered, helps guard against unlawful taxation
    • Flexibility
      • There are several types of bills that can be introduced in either House. Government as well as MPs and Lords can propose new laws. Useful when Government hasn't given though to certain things or when not wanted to propose controversial legislations. (E.g. Abortion Act 1967, Marriage Act 1994)


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