addiction map

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    • Approaches
      • Bio
        • I
          • Genetic predisposition
          • Multiple genes Responsible
          • A1 of DRD2 regulates dopamine increase sensitivity
          • SLC6A3-9  removes dopamine
        • M
          • (MLD) meso-limbic dopamine system –concerned memory reward motivational processes 
        • R
      • Cognitive
        • I
        • M
        • R
      • Learning
        • I
        • M
        • R
    • Risk Factors
      • Age
      • Stress
      • Peers
      • Personality
    • Reducing
      • Theory Planed Behaviour
        • Individual Attitues
        • Social Norms
        • Perceived Behavioral Control
        • Intentions
      • Biological Interventions
        • NRT
        • Zyban
      • Psychlogical
        • CBT
          • Analysis of irrational thoghts
          • Skills Training
        • Aversion
      • Public Health Interventions
        • Ban on smoking in public
        • Warning Messages/ Graphic images


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