Act 1 Scene 3 Romeo and Juliet

  • Created by: Miascx
  • Created on: 21-05-17 16:47
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  • Act 1 Scene 3
    •  In Act1 Scene 3 Lady Capulet talks about marriage to Juliet.
      • ‘Marry that’s the very thing I came to talk about’
    • Marriage is done for traditional love and for honour
    • During the Elizabethan era, women of the higher class would have Nurses who would take care, bring up the children,feed them and teach them to walk and talk.The mother and daughter wouldn't have a close relationship
      • This is apparent in the play as Shakespeare presents the relationship of Juliet and lady capulet to be long distanced and not very close
        • The way  Lady Capulet asks the nurse to fetch Juliet
          • 'Nurse, where’s my daughter? Call her forth to me'
        • The way Lady Capulet speaks to Juliet in a formal tone. Juliet responds back to her mom saying very little and in a respectful way.
          • 'Tell me Juliet, how stands your dispositions to be married?'
        • The way Lady Capulet portrays the news to Juliet. you would expect her to sit her down and tell her gently but she doesn't she just tells her straight.
    • The nurse is more of a mother figure to Juliet then her actual mother           (lady Capulet)
      • The nurse is more enthusiastic and happy for the news of Juliet getting married.
        • 'An honour! , Were not i thine only nurse,  i would say thou hadst such wisdom frothy teat.'
      • As for lady Capulet she speaks in a more formal and serious tone to Juliet, lacks enthusiasm or excitement that the nurse has.
        • As an mother you would expect her to show happiness for her daughter.
      • Lady Capulet is telling Juliet that marriage is an contract. Marry for looks and wealth.
        • 'Gold clasps locks in the golden story'
      • Theres an difference between the way the Higher class and lower class speak.
        • Higher class speak in a more formal way, with beautiful language and its more respectful.
        • The lower class speak in less of a formal way, quite chatty and full of comedy. A lot of references to sex


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