2.3 Influences of legislation

  • Created by: abbiedye
  • Created on: 12-12-19 12:25
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  • 2.3 Influences of legislation
    • On staff
      • promotes safe staffing levels
        • promotes wellbeing and safe and secure environments
      • provision of effective supervision, instruction and training of staff
      • role of implementing and making changes to health, safety and security arrangements in work settings
      • having correct staff-to-client ratios
      • having suitable levels of awareness, knowledge and skills
    • On practices
      • promotes and encourages good personal hygiene
        • help to control spread of infection
      • effective hand-washing, wearing PPE
      • recording and storing information correctly and securely
        • development of workplace processes for reporting and recording accidents, illnesses and incidents
    • On premises
      • direct impact on how premises are maintained
        • kept clean
          • infection prevention
        • in good condition
          • security
      • suitable and sufficient ventilation and lighting
        • employees work in safe conditions
      • handwashing facilities are kept in good condition
        • staff can maintain good levels of personal hygiene
      • escape routes and exits provided
        • be able to be used at all times
      • signs displayed where necessary
        • to find equipment
        • to identify escape routes


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