1997 Election Case Study

  • Created by: kte10
  • Created on: 05-06-21 15:34
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  • 1997 General Election Case Study
    • Main Features of the Outcome
      • Landslide victory for Blair and the Labour Party
      • Labour wound won 418 seats and 43.2% of the vote but 63% of seats
        • winners bonus- electoral system exaggerated their win
      • Tories won 165 seats with 30.7% of the vote
      • the Lib Dems won 46 seats, with 16.8% of the vote
    • Main changes since last election
      • Labour gained huge majority
      • defeat for the conservatives
    • Main Issues
      • Tories in power for 18 years - ununited party
      • Labour made huge investment in education and the NHS - raise standards, Gordon Brown also promised to be financially responsible
      • 1992-94- Tories divided over the Maastricht treaty - more power to EU
      • 1990- economic recession
      • High crime rates
    • Main influences on the outcome
      • Labour appealed to the middle classes - the third way - break from out of date politics
      • Valence- Tories not seen as competent anymore - tired, out of date
        • Labour was younger, fresher and united
      • John Major- grey, unexciting, weak
      • Tony Blair - young and attractive, clear vision for the future
      • Paddy Ashdown- lib dems - positive image, good election for the Lib dems
      • The media had a positive feeling towards Labour
    • How was the govt affected by the outcome?
      • New Labour govt put in place
      • Labour won 3 elections- 13 years
      • Labour had a huge parliamentary majority - led to social, economic and constitutional reform
      • Long term modernisation of the Tory party - remained in opposition until 2010


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