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6. Definition of pro-choice

  • term given to those who are in favour of abortion and the women's right to choose what happens
  • term given to those who are against abortion and focus on protecting the right of life of an unborn foetus

7. What is a 'saviour sibling'?

  • a sibling that is born so they can donate organs or tissues to their sibling to save their life
  • a child that is born to aid an ill sibling

8. What type of test is Kantian ethics?

  • categorical imperative test
  • hard test
  • morally good test
  • test for the greater good of greater amount of people

9. What is Palliative care?

  • term given to patients not aiming to get better, but require a sense of comfort
  • oath doctors make to guarantee they will look after a life as long as they can

10. Definition of quality of life

  • how good / comfortable life is
  • the idea that life is special / sacred as it is a gift from God

11. Definition of euthanasia

  • patients who are not aiming to get better, just provide comfort
  • term of a terminally ill person's life whilst usually suffering
  • how comfortable life is

12. What is the test for Kantian ethics?

  • can it be universalised, does it treat humans as an end for themselves
  • greatest good
  • be nice

13. What is Kantian ethics?

  • is something morally right or wrong using a test to decide
  • what a virtuous person would do
  • greater good for the greater amount of people

14. Which of these 'for' arguments support eating meat?

  • protein, benefits economy, selfish to forfeit diets
  • innocent animals, global warming, every life is worth living,

15. Definition of sanctity of life

  • the idea that life is special / sacred as it is a gift from God
  • how good / comfortable life is

16. What's a virtue?

  • a quality considered to be morally good
  • a negative quality

17. Definition of pro-life

  • term given to those who are against abortion and focus on protecting the right of life of an unborn foetus
  • term given to those who are in favour of abortion and the women's right to choose what happens

18. What is Utilitarianism?

  • is something morally right or wrong
  • actions are right or wrong depending on the consequences
  • what a virtuous person would do
  • greater good for the greater amount of people

19. Characteristics of a virtuous person

  • patience, honesty, integrity, generosity, loyalty
  • impatience, dishonest, rude, disrespectful

20. What's the test for Virtue ethics?

  • The Golden Mean
  • greater good for greater amount
  • can it be universalised, does it treat humans as an end to themsleves?