Work and Power

How is work done?
Whenever a force moves something. Energy is transferred from one place to another
1 of 27
Work done=?
Force x Distance
2 of 27
What is work measured in?
Joules (J)
3 of 27
What is forced measured in?
Neutons (N)
4 of 27
What is distance measured in?
Metres (m)
5 of 27
What is work done equal to?
Energy transferred
6 of 27
What is gravitational potential energy (GPE)?
When we have potential (stored) energy when we are above the Earth's surface
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What does the amount of GPE depend on?
Its mass and its height above the ground
8 of 27
m x g x h
9 of 27
What is GPE measured in?
Joules (J)
10 of 27
What is the mass measured in?
Kilograms (kg)
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What is the gravitational field strength measured in?
Neutons? (N/kg)
12 of 27
What is the height measured in?
Metres (m)
13 of 27
What kind of energy do all moving objects have?
Kinetic energy
14 of 27
What does the kinetic energy the object has depend on?
Its mass and its speed
15 of 27
Kinetic energy=?
1/2 x m x v^2
16 of 27
What is the Kinetic energy measured in?
Joules (J)
17 of 27
What is the mass measured in?
Kilograms (kg)
18 of 27
What is the velocity measured in?
Metres per second (m/s)
19 of 27
What is work done and energy both measured in?
Joules (J)
20 of 27
Why are they equal?
Because work done is equal to energy transferred
21 of 27
What is power a measure of?
How quickly work is being done and so how quickly energy is being transferred
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Work done/time
23 of 27
What is power measured in?
Watts (W)
24 of 27
What is work done measured in?
Joules (J)
25 of 27
What is time measured in?
Seconds (s)
26 of 27
True or False: More powerful engines in cars can do work quicker than less powerful ones
27 of 27

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Work done=?


Force x Distance

Card 3


What is work measured in?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is forced measured in?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is distance measured in?


Preview of the front of card 5
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