Wordsearch of ict

You type on it
1 of 6
You use it to get information
2 of 6
high capacity optical storage medium that uses a blue laser for data recording and playback
3 of 6
The type of memory used by the CPU. Cache memory is similar to RAM in that instructions can be read or written. It is small in capacity compared to RAM but has faster access speeds. Its purpose is to store frequently accessed program instructions.
Cache Memory
4 of 6
A character is a letter, a digit, a punctuation mark, a symbol or a control code that can be stored by a computer. Each character is stored in digital format referred to as a byte.
5 of 6
This refers to memory devices that are connected to thee computer system and includes hard drives, DVD drives, USB memory pens and Blu-ray disks. They allow programs data to be stored permanently.
External memory
6 of 6

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Card 2


You use it to get information



Card 3


high capacity optical storage medium that uses a blue laser for data recording and playback


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Card 4


The type of memory used by the CPU. Cache memory is similar to RAM in that instructions can be read or written. It is small in capacity compared to RAM but has faster access speeds. Its purpose is to store frequently accessed program instructions.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


A character is a letter, a digit, a punctuation mark, a symbol or a control code that can be stored by a computer. Each character is stored in digital format referred to as a byte.


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