Other questions in this quiz

2. what was the suffragette movement?

  • They went around assaulting everyone they could see as a sign of protest towards the government for not giving women the vote
  • when the suffragettes would go around smashing windows and assaulting the police as a sign of protest to try and get their point across that women should be allowed to vote
  • They started political rallys and made speeches to the people to try and get women the vote

3. who was the leader of the suffragists?

  • margaret thatcher
  • millicent fawcet
  • emily pankhurst

4. what was the difference between the 1918 and the 1928 representation acts?

  • the 1918 representation act was when women over the age of 30 and were married were able to vote, the 1928 representation act was when all women over the age of 21 were able to vote.
  • in the 1918 representation act,women of all ages could vote, and in the 1928 representation act women were also given equal rights to men.
  • the 1918 representation act was when women protested for the right to vote, and the 1928 representation act was when women of all ages were given the right to vote

5. what were the suffragettes also know as?

  • law-abiding citizens
  • the NUWSS
  • suffrages


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