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6. When was The Cat and Mouse Act passed

  • 1911
  • 1914
  • 1913
  • 1912

7. Did Queen Victoria want to give the vote to women

  • Only to widows
  • Yes
  • No
  • Only to the rich

8. Who threw herself under a horse

  • Emily Davison
  • Emmeline Davison
  • Emily Pankhurst

9. What were the National Union of women's suffrage societies' tatics

  • Peaceful and persuasive
  • Militant and violent
  • militant and persusive

10. What was a WSPU Slogan

  • Votes for women death to men
  • Votes for women Chasity for men
  • Votes for women jail for men

11. Who could vote in 1918?

  • Women over 30
  • Women over 21
  • Women over 25
  • Women over 18

12. Who was Women's Social and Political Union's Leader

  • Millicent Fawcett
  • Emily Pankhurst
  • Emmeline Pankhurst
  • Emmeline Fawcett

13. What fraction of women had been a domestic servant?

  • 1/3
  • All
  • 1/2
  • 1/4

14. What was the Cat and Mouse Act

  • Prisons releases hunger strikers and then put them back in jail when they recovered
  • Prisons could force feed hunger strikers
  • Prisons were allowed to let hunger strikers kill themselves

15. When did Emily Davison die

  • 10th June 1912
  • 4th June 1913
  • 8th June 1913
  • 4th June 1912

16. If a women married what happened to her property

  • It went to her husband
  • She kept it
  • It went to her brothers
  • The government took it

17. Who were superior in the 19th-20th Century?

  • Elderly men
  • Women
  • Men
  • Children

18. When was the National Union of women's suffrage societies formed

  • 1897
  • 1890
  • 1900
  • 1880

19. Who was the leader of the National Union of women's suffrage societies

  • Christabel Pankhurst
  • Emmeline Fawcett
  • Millicent Fawcett
  • Emmeline Pankhurst

20. What was the abbreviation of Women's Social and Political Union

  • WSP
  • WSPU