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6. Which phrase is most associated with 'Geography'? (and why)

  • Borders- America has border countries of England and France
  • Pacific Ocean- This large expanse of water seperates the USA from Europe
  • Atlantic Ocean- This large expanse of water seperates the USA from Europe
  • Borders- America has border countries of Germany, Belgium and France

7. Which phrase is most associated with 'Old Country'? (and why)

  • Nickname- This was the nickname gien to Belgium by America
  • Special Relationship- American felt it had a stronger bond to Britain historically over Germany
  • Nickname- This was the nickname that American gave to Germany
  • Special Relationship- Amreican felt it had a stronger bond to Germany historically over Britain

8. Which phrase is most associated with 'Zimmermann Telegram'? (and why)

  • TAN- USA contacted Mexico telling them they can have the states of Texas, Arizona and New Mexico back
  • TAN- Mexico contacted Germany asking them to give them tomatoes, apples and new potatoes
  • TAN- Germany contacted Mexico asking them to invade the USA taking back Texas, Arizona and New Mexico
  • TAN- Germany contacted Mexico to ask whether they could on there on holiday to get a tan

9. Which phrase is most associated with 'Wilson changes his mind'? (and why)

  • TAN- Wilson decided to give Mexico back the states of Texas, Arizona and New Mexico
  • A world safe for democracy- This was Wilson's reasoning for joining the war
  • Germany- Wilson decides to side with Germany over Britain
  • Sandwiches- Wilson chose to have ham in his sandwich instead of cheese