What is Managed Retreat?

What is Managed Retreat?
Managed retreat is accepting that the land is going to be eroded and allowing it to do so however controlling the retreat.
This is popular for land with a low economic value where very little will be lost.
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What is hard and soft engineering?
Hard engineering: They have been used for centuries to try and control the actions of the sea.
Soft engineering: These process work with the natural coastal processes. These schemes tend to be cheaper than hard engineering however they may require more m
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What are sea walls?
Sea walls are made from concrete or rock and create a barrier between the sea and land. They are placed at the foot of cliffs or at the top of a beach. It has a curved face to reflect the waves back into the sea.
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What is rock armour?
This is where large boulders are piled up at the foot of cliffs to reduce erosion. The rocks force the waves to break, absorbing their energy and protecting cliffs.
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What are groynes?
These are timber or rock structures built out to sea from the coast. They trap sediment being moved by longshore drift and enlarge the beach. The wider beach acts as a buffer to reduce wave damage.
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What are gabions?
These are wire cages filled with rocks that can be built up to support a cliff or provide a buffer against the sea.
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What is beach nourishment?
This is the addition of sand or shingle to an existing beach to make it higher or wider.
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What is dune regeneration?
Sand dunes are effective buffer to the sea but are easily damaged and destroyed.
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What is dune fencing?
This strategy requires fences being constructed on a sandy beach along a seaward face of existing dunes to encourage new dune formation.
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Card 2


Hard engineering: They have been used for centuries to try and control the actions of the sea.
Soft engineering: These process work with the natural coastal processes. These schemes tend to be cheaper than hard engineering however they may require more m


What is hard and soft engineering?

Card 3


Sea walls are made from concrete or rock and create a barrier between the sea and land. They are placed at the foot of cliffs or at the top of a beach. It has a curved face to reflect the waves back into the sea.


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Card 4


This is where large boulders are piled up at the foot of cliffs to reduce erosion. The rocks force the waves to break, absorbing their energy and protecting cliffs.


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Card 5


These are timber or rock structures built out to sea from the coast. They trap sediment being moved by longshore drift and enlarge the beach. The wider beach acts as a buffer to reduce wave damage.


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