Weimar Republic

Why was the constitution a problem for the Weimar Republic?
Coalition Governments could not decide on anthing, this led to difficulties in getting laws passed which meant that suspending the constitution was the only way
1 of 9
Why was the treaty of Versailles a problem for the Weimar Republic?
Politicians were blamed for signing this hated treaty, they were branded as traitors. Germany had to pay reparations causing economic damage
2 of 9
Why was Hyperinflation a problem for the Weimar Republic?
Government had to print money to pay reperations meaning tha tmoney became worthless
3 of 9
What was the army limited to?
4 of 9
How many battleships were the Navy allowed?
5 of 9
How much in reparations did Germany have to pay?
136,000 million marks
6 of 9
How many colonies did Germany lose?
7 of 9
How much European territory did Germany lose?
8 of 9
What percentage of iron and coal reserves were lost?
iron - 50% coal - 15%
9 of 9

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Card 2


Why was the treaty of Versailles a problem for the Weimar Republic?


Politicians were blamed for signing this hated treaty, they were branded as traitors. Germany had to pay reparations causing economic damage

Card 3


Why was Hyperinflation a problem for the Weimar Republic?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What was the army limited to?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How many battleships were the Navy allowed?


Preview of the front of card 5
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