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6. how many deaths were recorded from the july 1932 elections?

  • 266
  • 86
  • 503
  • 70

7. when was the 'Prussian coup'?

  • 20th july 1932
  • 21st september 1932
  • 11th july 1933

8. what were the short term causes of hyperinflation?

  • war reparations
  • french occupation of the ruhr
  • government expenditure
  • military expenditure

9. when was the locarno pact?

  • march 1928
  • october 1925
  • november 1925
  • January 1926

10. when did Gustav Stresemann become chancellor?

  • august 1923
  • march 1922
  • march 1923
  • november 1922

11. who opposed the young plan?

  • Hermann muller
  • Bruning
  • hindenburg
  • schleicher

12. when did Germany join the League of Nations?

  • 1926
  • 1923
  • 1924
  • 1925

13. when was the Kellogg-Briand pact?

  • 1927
  • 1926
  • 1928
  • 1930

14. when was the dawes plan?

  • april 1924
  • june 1924
  • november 1925

15. how many seats did the Nazi party win from the july 1932 elections?

  • 196
  • 230
  • 233
  • 300

16. who became chancellor in may 1932?

  • Hitler
  • Ludendorff
  • Papen
  • Bruning

17. what was the long term causes of hyperinflation?

  • military spending
  • govt printing more money
  • french occupation of the Ruhr
  • government expenditure

18. why did the french invade the Ruhr in 1923?

  • French wanted to start another war
  • Germany failed to pay their reparations
  • to get Germany back
  • Clemencau felt the Tof V wasn't harsh enough

19. what was the name given to the new culture?

  • Gleichslung
  • nacht und nebal
  • Neue Sachlichkeit
  • surgfriede