Weimar Republic

  • Created by: alina_ts
  • Created on: 09-03-22 19:09
Why did the end of the First World War lead to economic and political problems for Germany?
- Reparation fees of 50-150billion marks
- food shortages
- caused revolts and uprisings
-Berlin had large crowds, armed.
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Explain the events when Germany turned into a republic.
- 9th November 1918
- Social Democratic Party was the largest
- Communists feared to riot
- SDP preached for peace
- Council of Peoples Representatives made
- Friedrich Ebert leader of SDP, first president
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Describe the Weimar Constitution.
( the government order of importance )
- Electorate, those who voted
- The Parliament, reichstag and reichstrat, laws passed through both parties
- The Government, chancellor head of government, cabinet, main decision maker
- Head of State, The President
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Describe the head of state.
- president
- head of Weimar Republic
- elected every 7 years
- high political powers, chose chancellor
- could suspend the constitution and pass laws of decree.
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What are the strengths for the Weimar Constitution?
-proportional representation, small parties had a fair share of seats
- women can vote (encouraged)
- no one could have too much power
- reichstrat could regulate the reichstags power and delay new laws.
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What are the weaknesses for the Weimar Constituion?
- proportional representative led to government being unstable, strong policies often fell
- lack of strong government, president could pass laws without reichstags consent Article 48
- The people had no power over this.
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Why was the republic unpopular?
Treaty of Versailles damaged Germany’s economy, blame passed to the leaders who were known as ‘November criminals’ for surrendering in November 1918, signing the treaty.
Seen as traitors
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What were the results of the treaty of Versailles?
- war guilt blamed on Germany
- allies made Germany entitled to pay reparation fees 150 billion marks total
- army limited to 100,000
- navy limited, 6 battle ships
- no Air Force allowed
- no military allowed in the borderland of France, Rhineland.
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Where does the term ‘dolchtoss’ come from?
The Germans belief that their army was not defeated, but politicians betrayed the army, and forced them to surrender.
‘Stabbed in the back’
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Who were the Spartacists?
They were a left-wing party, the Independent Socialist Party, had soviet backing led by Rosa Luxembourg and Karl Liebknecht, based in Berlin
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What was the Sparacist Revolt?
They took over the governments newspaper and telegraph bureau and tried to organise a strike. Government send the Freikorps to put them down.
Fighting for several days, leaders were shot.
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Who were the Freikorps?
Right-wing party who were made up of ex-soldiers who had kept their weapons. They had 250,000 men in March 1919 and organised by the regular army.
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What was the Kapp Putsch?
Freikorp troops feared unemployment so marched on Berlin. National politician Dr Wolfgang Kapp was put in charge by rebels. Weimar government fled for safety. Government ordered trade unions to go on strike, so much chaos Kapp could not rule Germany. Forc
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Why was there hyperinflation?
-government printed more money but was bankrupt
-asked for longer to pay for reparations they did not have enough money
-French troops invaded Ruhr, took things, workers went on strikes
-Weimar printed more to make up for strikers
-The German mark was w
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What were the negative effects of hyperinflation?
- could not afford food
- wages rose but prices more
- business went bankrupt
- those with pensions suffered
- savings were worthless (middle class)
- Weimar government blamed
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What were the positives of hyperinflation?
- farmers benefitted, paid more
- business could pay of loans (some)
- fixed rents
- foreign visitors could buy more
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How did the Rentenmark aid recovery of hyperinflation?
November 1923 Stresemann issued the new currency Rentenmark, supply was controlled, valued to the price of gold, more public confidence. Reichsbank given control of this in 1924, hyperinflation was over.
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What was the Dawes Plan, 1924?
Charles Dawes , an American banker, agreed to provide loans for Germans industry. Instalments reduced to 50million a year. Allies more confident to get their reparation fees. Stresemann agreed.
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What was the young Plan, 1929?
- reduced total reparations from 6.6 billion to 2 bil
- payments could be paid over longer times
-lower reparations, lower tax for Germans

- opposition from Nazi’s , claimed it extended the burden for future generations.
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Did the Dawes and Young plan improve the economy?
Industrial output has doubled since the First World War and employment and trade increased.
However, extreme parties against Germany paying any fees, and the country was very dependent on America’s loans, this caused the country to be fragile.
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Who was Gustav Stresemann?
He was initially the chancellor in 1923, he resigned but stayed as the foreign secretary until 1929, he worked with foreign affairs and was a huge instrument for restoring Germany’s economy and confidence.
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What was so successful about Gustav Stresemann?
Had Germany included in 3 international pacts/agreements which showed Germany rising up to be more powerful and confident. Reduced the support of extremist parties and had more support from moderate parties, this all reduced economic hardships for the Ger
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What was the League of Nations?
A new international body to discuss world problems, Germany became apart of its council showing their views count.
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What was the Kellog-Brian’s Pact, 1928?
An agreement between 62 nations to pre ent the use of war. Moderate parties were benefitting the strength of Germany.
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What was the Locarno Pact, 1925?
Agreement between France, Belgium, Italy and Britain. Germany agreee to new boarding with France improving their relationship. Germans membership for League of Nations considered. But demilitarisation of the Rhineland.
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Why did some people believe Stresemann work wasn’t a success, why?
- hated treaty of Versailles terms were in place
- League of Nations was a symbol of its unpopularity
- didn’t like the confirmation of the new border
- extremist parties still around
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Between 1924 and 1929 what were the changes in living standards?
-Working hours reduce and wages increased
-3% of earnings deducted for insurance
-15% tax for building houses
-hyperinflation made employment insecure
-still house shortages even thought 101,000 had been built
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What was it like between 1924 and 1929 for women at work?
- equality lost after the war
- gave up work after marriage 75% drop from 1918 to 36% in 1925
- few high secured jobs
- increase in part-time work
- teaching and medicine new opportunities
- encouraged to go to university
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What was leisure like for women between 1924 and 1929?
- because they could earn, gave them more independence
- less interested in marriage and family wanted a ‘good time’
- Behaviour changes not liked by men and traditional women thought those values are going
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How did politics change for women in 1924 and 1929?
- 1918 they could vote
- Article 109 women had equal votes and rights for professions that men had
- marriage was an equal partnership
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Explain the events when Germany turned into a republic.


- 9th November 1918
- Social Democratic Party was the largest
- Communists feared to riot
- SDP preached for peace
- Council of Peoples Representatives made
- Friedrich Ebert leader of SDP, first president

Card 3


Describe the Weimar Constitution.
( the government order of importance )


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Describe the head of state.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are the strengths for the Weimar Constitution?


Preview of the front of card 5
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