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6. What part of a coral reef is this: Shallow zone between reef crest and lagoon- sheltered side of reef- substrate made of coral rock and loose sand

  • Reef crest
  • Reef flat
  • Reef front

7. What type of reef is this: Close to land mass with no/ narrow lagoon between reef and shore

  • Patch Reef
  • Fringing Reef
  • Atol
  • Barrier Reef

8. What type of reef is this: Small isolated reefs

  • Barrier reef
  • Patch reef
  • Fringing reef
  • Atoll

9. Tropical coral reefs cant tolerate water less than what C

  • 18
  • 25
  • 20
  • 19

10. What part of a coral reef is this: Reef on seaward edge of reef crest- parallel to shore- Lagoon shallow area between reef and shore line - protected from waves by reef crest

  • Reef front
  • Reef crest
  • Reef flat