Week 2- tables charts and graphs

  • Created by: jf00632
  • Created on: 18-01-19 14:42
You are drawing a pie chart to represent the fact that your company’s total workforce breaks down into 600 full time, 250 prt time staff, and 150 on short term contracts. What would be the angle of the pie chart sector representing part time staff?
 600 +250+150= 1000  250/1000x 360= 90
1 of 6
How do you calculate the cumulative frequency when given only the frequency?
Add up the column plus the previous
2 of 6
If asked to find the irregaluties of the data what are you looking for?
1.Are there questions missing? 2.Do they have a unit? e.c.t.
3 of 6
If you are asked "what is wrong with this chart" what are you looking for?
1. Is there a title? 2. is there an axis title? 3.Is there a scale on both axis? 4.Is there a source?
4 of 6
What is the best way to present info if its in %?
A % bar chart
5 of 6
How do yo find the % of a normal number that is in a table?
number/total x 100
6 of 6

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Card 2


How do you calculate the cumulative frequency when given only the frequency?


Add up the column plus the previous

Card 3


If asked to find the irregaluties of the data what are you looking for?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


If you are asked "what is wrong with this chart" what are you looking for?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the best way to present info if its in %?


Preview of the front of card 5
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