
Where does mechanical/physical weathering mostly occur?
Mechanical/Physical weathering mostly happens where a rock is bare
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What is freeze-thaw weathering?
Freeze-thaw weathering is where cracks/joints fill with water, the water freezes and pushes the rock apart. Eventually, they fall
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What is exfoliation?
Exfoliation (aka Onion Skin Weathering) is where during a hot day, the outer layers heat and expand but on cool days they contract. This contrast makes the layers peel off like an onion (hence the name)
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What is an example of weathering from animals?
Animals can burrow into weak rocks, forcing them apart
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What is an example of weathering from plants?
Tree roots grow into cracks in a rock face and widen them. This eventually forces bits of rock to fall off.
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When does chemical weathering happen?
Chemical weathering happens when rocks react with water in the air.
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What is solution?
Solution is when some minerals and rock dissolve in rainwater
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What is carbonation?
Carbonation is when the carbonic acid found naturally in rainwater reacts with the rock
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Card 2


What is freeze-thaw weathering?


Freeze-thaw weathering is where cracks/joints fill with water, the water freezes and pushes the rock apart. Eventually, they fall

Card 3


What is exfoliation?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is an example of weathering from animals?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is an example of weathering from plants?


Preview of the front of card 5
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