waves and electromagnetic spectrum

  • Created by: bertie321
  • Created on: 14-03-22 18:31
what do waves transfer
energy and information
1 of 29
what do waves have
amplitude wavelength and frequency
2 of 29
what vibration does a transverse waves have
it has sidway vibrations
3 of 29
what vibration does a longitudinal waves have
it has parallel vibrations
4 of 29
wave speed=
frequency x wavelength
5 of 29
what does you use to measure the speed of sound
6 of 29
how do you measure the speed of water ripples
by using a strobe light
7 of 29
how do you find the speed of waves in a solid
by using peak frequency
8 of 29
what can happen to waves at boundaries
absorbed, transmitted and reflected
9 of 29
what does refraction mean
the changing of direction of a wave at a boundary
10 of 29
what can you use to investigate refraction
a glass block
11 of 29
what types of waves are electromagnetic
transverse waves
12 of 29
what wave has the highest frequency in the electromagnetic spectrum
gamma rays
13 of 29
what wave has the highest wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum
radio waves
14 of 29
what are radio waves made by
oscillating charges
15 of 29
what are radio waves used for
communication and broadcasting
16 of 29
what are microwaves radio waves used for
they are used by satellites
17 of 29
what are microwaves used for
they are used for cooking
18 of 29
what are infrared waves used for
they can monitor temperature
19 of 29
what is visible light used for
20 of 29
what is ultraviolet used for
fluorescent lamps
21 of 29
what are x-rays used for
they let you see inside things
22 of 29
what are gamma rays used for
they are used to sterilise things
23 of 29
what are the dangers of using electromagnetic waves `
they can be harmful to people
24 of 29
what do radio waves do the body
they get trasmitted without being absorbed
25 of 29
what do microwaves do the body
they can heat cells
26 of 29
what does infrared and visible light do the body
it can cause burns but mostly is reflected or absorbed
27 of 29
what does ultraviolet do the body
it can damage skin and can cause skin cancer
28 of 29
what does x-rays and gamma rays do the body
cause mutations and damage to the skin
29 of 29

Other cards in this set

Card 2


what do waves have


amplitude wavelength and frequency

Card 3


what vibration does a transverse waves have


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what vibration does a longitudinal waves have


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


wave speed=


Preview of the front of card 5
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