
  • Created by: Myah.sx
  • Created on: 28-10-17 21:05
A wave is a disturbance which carries from one place to another without transferring matter. Waves are oscillations that are copied all down a line with a slight time delay.
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The two types of waves
Transverse waves and Longitudinal waves
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Transverse waves
When the displacement of particles is perpendicular to the direction of wave motions
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Longitudinal waves
When the displacement of particles is parallel to the direction of wave motions
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Wave Amplitude
The maximum distance a point moves from its rest position when the wave passes
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Wave Frequency
The number of waves passing any point per second
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The SI (systeme internationale) unit of frequency
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Time period
The time for one complete oscillation
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Wave length
The distance between any point on a wave and the equivalent
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Wave Speed
How fast the wave travels
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The wave equation
speed = frequency x wavelength
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how can we draw waves?
using lines called wavefronts
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what does a wave front represent
the peak of a transverse wave and the compression of a longitudinal wave
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State the features of reflection
no change in wavelength, wave frequency or speed. change in direction of wave travel
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What would happen to the water when a flat piece of plastic is placed in the water?
The water becomes shallower and the wave speed decreases.
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What happens when the waves slow down?
They change direction. This is called refraction.
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State the features of refraction
No change in wave frequency. Wave speed decreases and the direction of wave travel changes.
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What is diffraction?
When the waves travel through a small gap. If the gap is small enough the waves will spread out as they go through the gap.
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State the features of diffraction
No change in wave frequency or wave length.
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What is 'maximum diffraction'?
When the gap is the approximately the same size as the wavelength.
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State the rules for a plane mirror
The image is the same size as the object, the same way up as the object, as far behind the mirror as the object is in front, laterally inverted and a virtual image.
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What is refractive index?
A fixed property of the material which tells us how much the light slows down by when it enters that material.
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Refractive index formula
n = c/v (n = refractive index | c = speed of light in vacuum | v = speed of light in a material
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Snell's law
n = sin(i)/sin(r)
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If the light approaches the boundary with an angle of incidence less than the critical angle then it will leave the material and be?
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If the lights approaches the boundary with an angle of incidence greater than the critical angle then it will be
Totally internally reflected
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When the light approaches the boundary with an angle on incidence equal to the critical angle, then the refracted ray
will travel along the boundary.
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When the rays are parallel to the principal focus pass through a convex lens they are
bent inwards
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Where the rays converge is called the?
Principal focus
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What is a convex lens used to form?
A real image
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State one property of a real image
it can be projected into a screen
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How is light separated into a spectrum of colours?
By refraction
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What is this called?
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What is caused by objects vibrating?
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What type of waves are sound waves?
Longitudinal waves.
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Where does sound travel fastest?
Through solids
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Where does sound travel slowest?
Through gases
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How does sound travel?
Sound travels as a series of compressions and rarefractions
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Between what range of Hz can humans hear sound?
between 20Hz and 20 000Hz
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What is sound above 20 000Hz known as?
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Loud sounds have?
Higher amplitudes
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Quieter sounds have?
Lower amplitudes
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Higher pitched sounds have?
Higher wave frequencies
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Lower pitches sounds have?
Lower wave frequencies
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Transverse waves and Longitudinal waves


The two types of waves

Card 3


When the displacement of particles is perpendicular to the direction of wave motions


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


When the displacement of particles is parallel to the direction of wave motions


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


The maximum distance a point moves from its rest position when the wave passes


Preview of the back of card 5
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