Vulnerable road users

What should you do when you're following a motorcyclist along a road that has a poor surface?
Allow extra room in case they swerve to avoid potholes
1 of 10
You're travelling behind a moped. What should you do when you want to turn left just ahead?
Stay behind until the moped has passedthe junction
2 of 10
When you're overtaking a cyclist, you should leave as much room as you would give to car. What's the main reason for this?
The cyclist might swerve
3 of 10
The road outside this school this marked with yellow zig zag lines, what do these lines mean?
You must not wait or park your vehicle here at all
4 of 10
A horse rider is in the left hand lane approaching a roundabout. Where should you expect the rider to go?
In any direction
5 of 10
How should you overtake horse riders?
Drive slowly and leave plenty of room
6 of 10
Which of these shoud you allow extra room when overtaking?
7 of 10
At night, you see a pedestrian wearing reflective clothing and carrying a bright red light. What does this mean?
You're approaching an organised walk
8 of 10
You're on a country road. What should you expect to see coming towards you on your side of the road?
9 of 10
You're at the front of a queue of traffic waiting to turn right into a side road. Why is it important to chck your right mirror just before turning?
To checl for overtaking vehicles
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


You're travelling behind a moped. What should you do when you want to turn left just ahead?


Stay behind until the moped has passedthe junction

Card 3


When you're overtaking a cyclist, you should leave as much room as you would give to car. What's the main reason for this?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


The road outside this school this marked with yellow zig zag lines, what do these lines mean?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


A horse rider is in the left hand lane approaching a roundabout. Where should you expect the rider to go?


Preview of the front of card 5
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