Volver: Themes

  • Created by: Mads29
  • Created on: 11-05-22 10:34
Rural and Urban Culture: Paco and Raimunda's Father
Deaths shown contrast in rural and urban locations, exclusion of men takes place in both
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Rural and Urban Culture: Raimunda and Family
Contrasts between Raimunda, Sole and Paula to Irene and Tia Paula, had to move to city for opportunities
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Rural and Urban Culture: Las vecinas
Help main characters significantly in both locations- just in different ways
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Rural and Urban Culture: Irene
Her integration into urban culture highlights aspects of it
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Rural and Urban Culture: Background
Juxtapose locations with colour, lighting and background, Raimunda is suspended between pueblo and city, turbines represent movement, wind
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Death: Paco and Raimunda's Father
Both killed by family members for violent reasons- contrast in deaths
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Death: Raimunda and family
Death separates and reunites the family- Paco, Tia Paula, parents
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Death: Las vecinas
From the start of the film presented as normal in La Mancha, unsual to city
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Death: Irene
Tia Paula's death allows her to return from the dead but superstitious beliefs get in the way
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Death: Tia Paula
Shows attitudes in La Mancha towards death
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Death: Tia Paula Quote
hasta había elegido el ataúd y lo ha dejado todo pagado
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Death: Raimunda's father quote
Era un día de viento, en poco tiempo las llamas lo devoraron todo
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Death: Paco quotes
Paco no era tu padre.
Recuerda que fui yo que lo mató y tú no lo viste.
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Death: Paula quote
Es verdad que Agustina viene aquí a limpiar vsu propia tumba?
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Death: Background
Attitudes towards death in La Mancha, exclusion of men-exclusion of Franco, uses infancy and sisters
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Family: Paco and Raimunda's father
Male characters are excluded from the family by death
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Family: Paco and Raimunda's father quotes
Paco no era tu padre
Tiene los ojos de su padre
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Family: Raimunda and family
Composed of string women who support eachother but sometimes their relationship is strained
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Family: Las vecinas
Neighbours form part of the family- in pueblo more than ciudad
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Family: Irene
Returns from the dead to reunite with daughters and reveal family secrets
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Family: Irene quote
Sole hija mía. No tengas miedo de mí. Soy tu madre.
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Family: Tia Paula
Death of Tia Paula reunites the family and allows Agustina to demonstrate her role in family
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Family: Background
Almodóvar siempre ha dicho que está en contra de la institución familiar pero ne deja de hablar de ella en sus películas
Volver uses mother-daughter relations against patriarchal structures
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Female Solidarity: Paco and Raimunda's father
Raimunda relies on female solidarity to help her deal with the consequences of Paco's death
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Female Solidarity: Raimunda and family
Solidarity between Sole and Raimunda allows them to maintain their lies and secrets
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Female Solidarity: Las vecinas
Show solidarity abundantly in both places
Pueblo- faced with death
Ciudad- restaurant and getting rid of Paco
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Female solidarity: Las vecinas quote
Las mujeres aquí viven más que los hombres
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Female Solidarity: Tia Paula
After her death neighbours come together to show solidarity, solidarity with Sole
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Female Solidairty: Background
La solidaridad demostrada entre las vecinas es una calidad que todos los personajes de Volver traen con ellos a la ciudad.
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Strong women: Paco and Raimunda's father
Women have to be strong to deal with the consequences of these two men, especially Paula
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Strong women/Death/Family: Paula quote
Tú no sabes lo que es haber matado a tu padre
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Strong women: Raimunda and family
Each women has to provide for herself and family
Raimunda- Paco does nothing
Sole- Illegal hair business
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Strong women: Raimunda quote
Cogeré un trabajo para los domingos que es el único día que libro
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Strong women: Las vecinas
Pueblo- strong to face death
Regina- illegal immigrant with no papers
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Strong women: Regina quote
Con tu escote y mis mojitos podemos hacernos de oro
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Strong women: Irene
Had to live in hiding and look after Tia Paula without being seen, lives with secret
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Strong women: Irene quote
Todo este tiempo he vivido en un auténtico purgatorio
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Strong women: Background
Las mujeres del pueblo se reparten los problemas, los comparten
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Superstition: Raimunda and family
Each character struggles to believe that Irene is real due to superstitious beliefs
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Superstition: Sole/Paula/Raimunda quote
Mama-hay algo que quieres que yo haga?
Paula- Porque te apareces abuela?
Raimunda- No eres un fantasma-verdad? No estás muerta
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Superstition: Las vecinas
Prominent in the pueblo- talk about Irene at Tia Paula's funeral
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Superstition: Irene
Takes advantage of superstitious town to look after Tia Paula
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Superstition: Irene quote
Es lo bueno de estos pueblos tan supersticiosos
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Superstition: background
Wind plays a role in town's superstition
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Key scene: First scene
Music- Las Aspigadoras
Importance-set tone of film
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Key Scene: Paco's death
Camera- plano detalle, primer plano
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Key Scene: Tia Paula's funeral
Camera-un plano cenital
Song- dicen que la han visto
Importance- family, death
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Key Scene: Agustina has cancer and goes on tv
Camera-plano general
Song-una cancion triste
Importance- death, family
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Key Scene: Bury Paco
Camera- plano general
Colour- red lights, freezer
Song- Las vecinas
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Key Scene: Raimunda sings Volver
Camera- primer plano
Importance- Irene's return
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Colour: quotes
aperece en todas mis películas
es el color de algo esencialmente humano
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Camera shots- midshot, medium close shot, closeup, birdseye view, detail
plano general, plano corto medio, primer plano, plano cenital, plano detalle
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Contrasts between Raimunda, Sole and Paula to Irene and Tia Paula, had to move to city for opportunities


Rural and Urban Culture: Raimunda and Family

Card 3


Help main characters significantly in both locations- just in different ways


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Her integration into urban culture highlights aspects of it


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Juxtapose locations with colour, lighting and background, Raimunda is suspended between pueblo and city, turbines represent movement, wind


Preview of the back of card 5
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