Vietnam war basics quiz 3

What was the Nixon doctrine?
A doctrine that laid down what the role of the USA would be in southeast Asian politics in the future.
1 of 7
Briefly explain 3 of the key features of "Vietnamisation"?
1. US troops were to withdraw from Vietnam.
2. The ARVN was to provide its own officers.
3. The USA would still provide training and equipment.
2 of 7
When did Nixon start secretly bombing Cambodia?
February/March 1969
3 of 7
When did US and ARVN troops actually invade Cambodia?
April 28 1970
4 of 7
List at least 2 outcomes of the invasion of Cambodia.
1. 11000 communists killed.
2. Significant damage done to the Ho Chi Minh trail with hundreds of acres of jungle destroyed.
5 of 7
What happened between the ARVN and North Vietnamese forces in Laos?
21000 ARVN attacked Laos and had a direct battle against 36,000 North Vietnamese troops with tanks. ARVN had very high casualties and fled Laos leaving behind weapons and equipment.
6 of 7
Briefly describe what was the Easter Offensive 1972 (who attacked who and what was the outcome of the attack)
On 30th March 1972, 120000 N9orth Vietnamese troops crossed the border into south Vietnam and attacked in three different places with backup from the Vietcong. the attack was initially vey successful at first but the ARVN with US air support eventually p
7 of 7

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Card 2


Briefly explain 3 of the key features of "Vietnamisation"?


1. US troops were to withdraw from Vietnam.
2. The ARVN was to provide its own officers.
3. The USA would still provide training and equipment.

Card 3


When did Nixon start secretly bombing Cambodia?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


When did US and ARVN troops actually invade Cambodia?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


List at least 2 outcomes of the invasion of Cambodia.


Preview of the front of card 5
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