
what are the differences when boiling root veg and above ground veg?
root veg should be place into cold water then placed on to boil, whilst above ground should be placed straight into boiling water this is because root veg are more fibrous so need more time to soften.
1 of 5
what are some finishing methods eg. baby onion tart tatin?
a dressing eg. balsamic dressing. colour, glazing, foam, sauce/liquor, seasoning and portion size.
2 of 5
how to make your food more healthy?
methods of cooking: grilling, boiling and steaming. control portion size. substitute oils and fats polyunsaturated fats.
3 of 5
records should be kept of where food came from and should be shown on demand.
4 of 5
food contact materials
materials and packaging that can be reasonably expected to come into contact with food and are called 'food contact materials'. these can include: packaging, food processing equipment, cookware, work surfaces.
5 of 5

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Card 2


what are some finishing methods eg. baby onion tart tatin?


a dressing eg. balsamic dressing. colour, glazing, foam, sauce/liquor, seasoning and portion size.

Card 3


how to make your food more healthy?


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Card 4




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Card 5


food contact materials


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